


——————————— 2024 ———————————


145. YR Guan, NS Liu, C Wang, F Pang, ZH Cheng, W Ji, "Distance-dependent magnetization modulation induced by inter-superatomic interactions in Cr-doped Au6Te12Se8", Chinese Physics B 33, 127502 (2024).

144. ZQ Tan, S Han, JQ Jia, MJ Zhu, H Xu, S Mi, K Li, L Wang, ZH Cheng, SS Chen, "Angle-resolved optical imaging of interlayer rotations in twisted bilayer graphene", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16(8), 10867-10876 (2024).

143. JF Guo, H Wang, HY Zhang, S Mi, SY Li, HY Dong, JW Hu, SY Zhu, XY Wang, R Xu, F Pang, W Ji, TL Xia, ZH Cheng, "Interlayer-coupling-modulated tunable magnetic states in the superlattice MnBi2Te4(Bi2Te3)n topological insulators", Physics Review B 109, 165410 (2024).

142. HY Dong, SY Li, S Mi, JF Guo, ZX SN, HX Wu, YY Geng, MY Wang, HW Xu, L Guan, F Pang, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Strain-engineered rippling at the bilayer-MoS2 interface identified by advanced atomic force microscopy",  Frontiers of Physics 19(6), 63201 (2024).

141. BX Shi, YY Geng, HN Wang, CL Shang, MY Wang, S Mi, JL Huang, XJ Gui, JC Wang, JJ Liu, DY Xu, HX Zhang, JF Qin, HL Wang, LJ Hao, ZH Cheng, GL Zheng, Peng Cheng, "FePd2Te2: an anisotropic two-dimensional ferromagnet with one-dimensional Fe-chains", Journal of the American Chemical Society 146(31), 21546-21554 (2024).

140. YY Geng, JF Guo, FY Meng, MY Wang, S Mi, HY Dong, R Xu, F Pang, K Liu, SC Wang, W Ji, HC Lei, ZH Cheng, "Correlated electrons in the flat-band electrons in the charge density wave state of 4Hb-TaSSe", Physics Review B 110, 115107 (2024).

139. S Mi, JF Guo, GJ Hu, GC Wang, SY Li, ZZ Gong, SZ Jin, R Xu, F Pang, W Ji, WQ Yu, XL Wang, XY Wang, HT Yang, ZH Cheng, "Real-space topology-engineering of skyrmion spin textures in van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2", Nano Letters 24, 13094 (2024).

138. Q Zhu, Y Adachi, HF Wen, R Xu, ZH Cheng, Y Sugawara, YJ Li, "Charge state of Au nanoclusters on oxidized rutile TiO2(110) surface by AFM/KPFM at 78 K", Langmuir 40(2), 1358-1363 (2024).

137. JY Wei, R Xu, ZH Cheng, Y Sugawara, YJ Li, "Identification of image modes on anatase TiO2(101) by AFM and DFT", Applied Surface Science 670, 160653 (2024).

136. HB Gao, ZY Liu, Y Gong, CM Ke, N Guo, JX Wu, X Zeng, JF Guo, SY Li, ZH Cheng, JW Li, HW Zhu, LZ Zhang, XF Liu, S Liu, LM Xie, Q Zheng, "Picometer-level in-situ manipulation of ferroelectric polarization in van der Waals layered InSe", Advanced Materials 36, 2404628 (2024).

135. ZH Zhang, LW Zhou, ZX Chen, A Jaros, M Kolibal, P Babor, QZ Zhang, CL Yan, RX Qiao, Q Zhang, T Zhang, W Wei, Y Cui, JS Qiao, LW Liu, LH Bao, HT Yang, ZH Cheng, YL Wang, EG Wang, Z Liu, M Willinger, HJ Gao KH Liu, W Ji, ZJ Wang, "Layer-by-layer growth of bilayer graphene single-crystals enabled by proximity catalytic activity", Nano Today 59, 102482 (2024).

134. ZJ Wang, X Kong, Y Huang, J Li, LH Bao, KC Cao, YX Hu, J Cai, LF Wang, H Chen, YS Wu, YW Zhang, F Pang, ZH Cheng, P Babor, M Kolibal, ZK Liu, YL Chen, Y Cui, KH Liu, XH Bao, HJ Gao, Z Liu, W Ji, F Ding, MG Willinger, "Conversion of chiality to twisting via sequential one-dimensional and two-dimensional growth of graphene spirals", Nature Materials 23, 331-338 (2024).

133. ZH Zhou, XC Zhang, XY Chen, ZH Cheng, ZY Wang, "Band gap engineering of MoxW1−xS2 alloy monolayers with wafer-scale uniformity", Inorganic Chemistry 63(17), 7714-7724 (2024).

132. NS Liu, C wang, YQ Zhang, F Pang, ZH Cheng, YN Zhang, W Ji, "Intralayer strain tuned interlayer magnetism in bilayer CrSBr”, Physics Review B 109, 214422 (2024).

131. ZX Suonan, S Mi, HX Wu, H Xu, HY Zhang, SS Chen, ZH Cheng, F Pang, "Controllable growth of large-size α-GeTe nanosheets with ferroelectricity by substrate pre-annealing", CrystEngComm 26, 4278-4285 (2024).

——————————— 2023 ———————————

130. YY Geng, L Lei, HY Dong, JF Guo, S Mi, Y Li, L Huang, F Pang, R Xu, WC Zhou, Z Liu, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Hysteretic electronic phase transitions in correlated charge-density-wave state of 1T-TaS2", Physics Review B 107, 195401 (2023).

129. SZ Gu, WY Liu, S Mi, GY Xian, JF Guo, SY Li, L Lei, HY Dong, R Xu, F Pang, SS Chen, HT Yang, HJ Gao, ZH Cheng, "Twist Angle-Dependent Work Functions in CVD-Grown Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy", Nanoscale 15, 5825 - 5833 (2023)

128. J Zhou, J Cai, S Du, ZH Zhao, JF Guo, SY Li, WF Zhang, N Liu, XT Li, QH Bai, Y Guo, S Mi, ZH Cheng, L He, JC Nie, Y Yang, RF Dou, "A natural indirect-to-direct band gap transition in artificially fabricated MoS2 and MoSe2 flowers", Nanoscale 15, 7792(2023)

127. XL Wang, ZX Shang, C Zhang, JQ Kang, T Liu, XY Wang, HL Liu, YJ Zeng, JF Guo, ZH Cheng, L Liu, D Pan, SC Tong, GC Wang, HX Deng, JW Hong, JH Zhao, "Electrical and magnetic anisotropies in van der Waals multiferroic CuCrP2S6", Nature Communications 14, 840 (2023).

126. HX Wu, JF Guo, SN Zhaxi, S Mi, L Wang, SS Chen, R Xu, W Ji, ZH Cheng, F Pang, "Controllable CVD-grown 2D Cr5Te8 nanosheets with thickness-dependent magnetic domains", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 26148-26158 (2023).

125. ZL Wang, HY Dong, WC Zhou, ZH Cheng, SC Wang, "Flat band in hole-doped tansition metal dichchalcogenide observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy", Chinese Physics B 32, 067103 (2023)

124. 王聪,程志海,季威,"原子制造中的物质间相互作用基础:现状、前景和挑战", 《物理》 52(6), 381-393 (2023).

123. 张浩岩,郭剑锋,米烁,李松洋,程志海"手性超导体4Hb-TaS2的开尔文探针力显微术研究", 真空科学与技术学报 43(10), 825-833 (2023).

122. LN Li, L Yu, YM Xia, D Lin, X Yang, JQ Fang, XH Liu, JW Chen, X Yin, CY Ma, XY Yan, P Xu, R Xu, LP Zhang, ZH Cheng, LY Wang, "Fe-single atom catalysts promoting polysulfide redox reduction in quantum dot photovoltaics", Nano Letters 23, 5123-5130 (2023)

121. JQ Dai, JS Qiao, C Wang, LW Zhou, X Wu, LW Liu, X Song, F Pang, ZH Cheng, XH Kong, YL Wang, W Ji, "Layer sliding and twisting induced electronics in correlated magnetic 1T-NbSe2 bilayers", Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2302989 (2023)

120. LF Sun, ZX Lu, R Xu, ZW Li, GC Xu, FG Chen, ZH Cheng, LY Jiao, "Atomspheric degradation and performance recovery of two-dimensional MoS2 field effect transistor", Chinese Journal of Chemistry 41, 2832-2836 (2023).

119. L Huang, XH Kong, Q Zheng, YQ Xing, H Chen, Y Li, SY Zhu, JS Qiao, YY Zhang, HX Cheng, ZH Cheng, XG Qiu, EK Liu, HC Lei, X Lin, ZQ Wang, HT Yang, W Ji, HJ Gao, "Discovery and construction of surface kagome electronic states induced by p-d electronic hybridization in Co3Sn2S2", Nature Communications 14, 5230 (2023).

118. PC Chen, QH Xu, ZJ Ding, Q Chen, JY Xu, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, BK Yuan, S Meng, N Yao, "Identifying a common ice nucleus on hydrophilic and hydrophobic close-packed metal surfaces", Nature Communications 14, 5813 (2023).

117. L Lei, JQ Dai, HY Dong, YY Geng, FY Cao, Cong Wang, R Xu, F Pang, FS Li, ZH Cheng, G Wang, W Ji, "Electronic Janus lattice and kagome-like bands in coloring-triangular MoTe2 monolayers", Nature Communications 14, 6320 (2023)

116. QX LiuPH Sun, FY Meng, YY Geng, ZH Liu, JF Zhang, SJ Tian, X Luo, YP Sun, ZH Cheng, K Liu, HC Lei, SC Wang, "Existence of an ultra flat band in charge density wave state of 4Hb-TaS1.3Se0.7", Physics Review B 108, 115115 (2023).

——————————— 2022 ———————————

115. YX Gao, L Huang, Y Cao, M. Richter, J Qi, Q Zheng, H Yang, J Ma, X Chang, XH Fu, C Palma, HL Lu, YY Zhang, ZH Cheng, X Lin, M Ouyang, XL Feng, SX Du, HJ Gao, "Selective C-H bond-activation induced C-C/C-N bond-transformation on surface and enabled formation of N-doped graphene nanoribbons", Nature Communications 13, 6146 (2022)

114. JJ Deng, ZH Zhou, JL Chen, ZH Cheng, J Liu, ZY Wang, "Vanadium-Doped Molybdenum Diselenide Atomic Layers with Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism", ChemPhysChem 23, e202200162 (2022).

113. 米烁,郭剑锋,王欢,夏天龙,程志海,"磁性拓扑绝缘体MnBi2Te4(Bi2Te3)n的扫描开尔文探针显微术研究", 真空科学与技术学报 42(8), 585-592 (2022). 封面

112. JF Guo, H Wang, XY Wang, SZ Gu, S Mi, SY Zhu, JW Hu, F Pang, W Ji, HJ Gao, TL Xia, ZH Cheng, "Coexisting Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Phase and Manipulation in Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi4Te7", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 13884-13893 (2022). 系内新闻稿

111. SY Xing, LL Wu, ZL Wang, X Chen, HN Liu, S Han, LW Zhou, Q Zheng, L Huang, X Lin, SS Chen, LM Xie, XL Chen, HJ Gao, ZH Cheng, JG Guo, SC Wang, W Ji, "Interweaving Polar Charge Orders in a Layered Metallic Super-atomic Crystal", Physics Review X 12, 041034 (2022) 系内新闻稿, 原子制造,纳米人

110. J Yang, F Wang, JF Guo, YR Wang, CX Jiang, YC Cai, XY Zhan, XF Liu, ZH Cheng, J He, ZX Wang, "Ultrasensitive Ferroelectric Semiconductor Phototransistors for Low-Light-Level Detection", Advanced Functional Materials (2022). 系内新闻稿

109. GH Zhang, LC Chen, L Wang, ZJ Lu, HY Dong, ZH Cheng, X Zhang, XH Xu, B Wang, SS Chen, "Subnanometer-thick 2D GaN film with large bandgap synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition", J. Mater. Chem. A 10, 4053-4059 (2022).

108. ZJ Lu, MJ Zhu, YF Liu, GH Zhang, ZQ Tan, XT Li, SS Xu, l Wang, RF Dou, B Wang, Y Yao, ZY Zhang, JC Dong, ZH Cheng, SS Chen, "Low-temperature synthesis of boron nitride as a large-scale passivation and protection layer for 2D materials and high-performance devices", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 25984-25992 (2022).

107. R Xu, F Pang, YH Pan, YZ Lun, L Meng, ZY Zheng, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, JW Hong, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Visualization of Strain-Engineered Nanopattern in Center-Confined Mesoscopic WS2 Monolayer Flakes", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 7184-7129 (2022).

106. J Zhang, LW Zhou, PC Chen, BK Yuan, ZH Cheng, W Ji, XH Qiu, "Facet-selective dissociation and radical-mediated reaction on low-index copper surfaces", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126(3), 1281-1288 (2022).

105. Y Huang, YK Wang, XY Huang, GH Zhang, X Han, Y Yang, YN Gao, L Meng, GZ Geng, LW Liu, L Zhao, ZH Cheng, XF Liu, ZF Ren, HX Yang, YF Hao, HJ Gao, XJ Zhou, W Ji, YL Wang, "An efficient route to prepare suspended monolayer for feasible optical and electronic characterizations of 2D materials", InfoMat 4, e12274 (2022).

104. R Xu, JF Guo, S Mi, HF Wen, F Pang, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy and their Applications in Two-Dimensional Materials", Materials Futures 1, 032302 (2022). Topic Review (Focus on SPM: Applications in Materials Science)

103. HW Zhao, XQ Xing, GH Zhang, WY Liu, HY Dong, ZJ Lu, TY Li, JF Zhang, ZH Cheng, L Wang, SS Chen, "PMMA direct exfoliation for rapid and organic free transfer of centimeter-scale CVD graphene", 2D Materials 9, 015036 (2022).

102. XH Liu, HH Wang, WD Li, JW Chen, JQ Fang, XY Yan, S Mi, S Hong, YG Chen, M Lei, X Yin, YJ Guo, R Xu, ZH Cheng, LY Wang, "Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt (III)/(II)-mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics", ACS Applied Energy Materials 5(10), 12991-12998 (2022)

101. WY Liu, XT Li, YB Zhu, R Xu, H Ying, L Wang, ZH Cheng, YF Hao, SS Chen, "Direct growth of h-BN/Graphene heterostructure via surface deposition and segregation for independent thickness regulation", Nanotechnology 33, 475601 (2022)

——————————— 2021 ———————————

100. QZ Zhang, J Brndiar, Y. Adachi, M Konopka, HF Wen, M Miyazaki, Y Sugawara, R Xu, ZH Cheng, YJ Li, L Kantorovich, I Stich, "Voltage and Redox State Triggered Oxygen Adatom Conductance Switch", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(48), 26801-26807 (2021).

99. QZ Zhang, J Brndiar, M Konopka, HF Wen, Y Adachi, M Miyazaki, R. Turansky, R Xu, ZH Cheng, Y Sugawara, I Stich, YJ Li, "Unraveling Charge States of Au Nanoclusters on Oxygen-Rich Rutile TiO2(110) Surface and Their Triboelectrification Overturn by nc-AFM and KPFM", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(50), 27607-27614 (2021).

98. A Liaqat, YH Yin, S Hussain, W Wen, JX Wu, YZ Guo, CH Dang, CH Ho, Z Liu, P Yu, ZH Cheng, LM Xie, "An all two-dimensional vertical heterostructure graphene/CuInP2S6/MoS2 for negative capacitance field effect transistor", Nanotechnology 33, 125703 (2021).

97. YB Fu, X Chang, H Yang, E Dmitrieva, YX Gao, J Ma, L Huang, JZ Liu, HL Lu, ZH Cheng, SX Du, HG Gao, XL Feng, "NBN-doped Bis-Tetracene and Peri-Tetracene: Synthesis and Characterization", Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, 26115 (2021).

96. XC Wu, L Lei, QW Yin, NN Zhao, M Li, ZL Wang, QX Liu, WH Song, H Ma, PF Ding, K Liu, ZH Cheng, HC Lei, SC Wang, "Direct observation of competition between charge order and itinerant ferromagnetism in the van der Waals Crystal Fe5-xGeTe2", Physics Review B 104, 165101 (2021).

95. KJ Zheng, JJ Deng, ZH Zhou, JL Chen, ZY Wang, ZH Cheng, "Synthesis of large-area MoSe2 monolayer film for surface-enhanced Raman scattering analysis", Nano 16(7), 2150076 (2021).

94. SY Xing, L Lei, HY Dong, JF Guo, FY Cao, SZ Gu, YY Geng, S Mi, HX Wu, F Pang, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Epitaxial fabrication of topological Bi-Sb films by surface alloying of Sb nanofilms", Surface Science 714, 121921 (2021).

93. L Lei, HY Dong, JF Guo, SY Xing, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, F Pang, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Size-dependent strain-engineered nanostrctures in MoS2 monolayer investigated by atomic force microscopy", Nanotechnology 32, 465703 (2021).

92. L Lei, FY Cao, SY Xing, HY Dong, JF Guo, SZ Gu, YY Geng, S Mi, HX Wu, F Pang, R Xu, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Phase transition-induced superstructures of β-Sn films with atomic-scale thickness", Chinese Physics B 30, 096804 (2021).

91. F Pang, FY Cao, L Lei, L Meng, SL Ye, SY Xing, JF Guo, HY Dong, S Hussain, SZ Gu, KQ Xu, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Strain-Engineering Rippling and Manipulation of Single Layer WS2 by Atomic Force Microscopy", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 8696-8703 (2021).

90. S Hussain, R Xu, KQ Xu, L Lei, SY Xing, JF Guo, HY Dong, A Liaqat, M Iqbal, MA Iqbal, SZ Gu, FY Cao, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, F Pang, W Ji, LM Xie, SS Chen, ZH Cheng, "Toplayer-Dependent crystallographic orientation imaging in the bilayer two-dimensional materials with Transverse Shear Microscopy", Frontiers of Physics 16(5), 53504 (2021).

89. 李彦, 郑琦, 常霄, 黄立, 林晓, 程志海*, 高鸿钧, "原子、分子及其电荷的原子力显微术操纵及其应用", 物理学报 70 (13), 136802 (2021) (被选为当期优秀论文)

88. HY Dong, L Lei, SY Xing, JF Guo, FY Cao, SZ Gu, YY Geng, S Mi, HX Wu, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, F Pang, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Epitaxial fabrication of AgTe monolayer on Ag(111) and the sequential growth of Te film", Frontiers of Physics 16(6), 63502 (2021).

87. D Li, R jiang, P Ma, S Hong, ZH Cheng, JF Guo, R Xu, Y Lin, YY Zhao, Xiong Yin, Y Lin, LY Wang, "Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics", ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering 9(11), 4256-4261 (2021).

86. S Han, XH Nie, SZ Gu, WY Liu, LC Chen, H Ying, L Wang, ZH Cheng, L Zhao, SS Chen, "Twist-angle-dependent thermal conduction in single-crystalline bilayer graphene", Applied Physics Letter 118, 193104 (2021).

85. YY Zheng, TT Miao, R. Xu, XF Ping, YY Wu, ZX Lu, ZM Zhang, DK Hu, LN Liu, Q Zhang, DW Li, ZH Cheng, WG Ma, LM Xie, LY Jiao "Chemical Synthesis and Integration of Highly Conductive PdTe2 with Low-Dimensional Semiconductors for p-Type Transistors with Low Contact Barriers", Advanced Materials 33(27), 2101150 (2021).

——————————— 2020 ———————————

84. QZ Zhang, HF Wen,R Xu, ZH Cheng, Y Sugawara, YJ Li, "Electrically-induced manipulation of the Au nanoclusters on oxidized rutile TiO2(110) surface by atomic force microscopy at 78 K", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 28562-28568 (2020).

83. DS Wang, Y Zhou, H Zhang, RF Zhang, HY Dong, R. Xu, ZH Cheng, YH He, ZY Wang, "Wafer-Scale Growth of Pristine and Doped Monolayer MoS2 Films for Electronic Device Applications", Inorganic Chemistry 59, 17356 (2020).

82. S Hussain, R Xu, KQ Xu, L Lei, L Meng, ZY Zheng, SY Xing, JF Guo, HY Dong, A Liaqat, M Iqbal, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, F Pang, W Ji, LM Xie, ZH Cheng, "Strain-Induced Hierarchical Ripples in MoS2 Layers Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy", Applied Physics Letters 117, 153102 (2020).

81. ZY Zheng, YH Pan, TF Pei, R Xu, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, LH Bao, HJ Gao, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Local probe of the interlayer coupling strength of few-layers SnSe by contact-resonance atomic force microscopy", Frontiers of Physics 15, 63505 (2020).

80. R Xu, F Pang, YH Pan, YZ Lun, L Meng, ZY Zheng, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, JW Hong, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Atomically Asymmetric Inversion Scales up to Mesoscopic Single-Crystal Monolayer Flakes", ACS Nano 14, 13834-13840 (2020).

79. CL Yan, C Wang, LW Zhou, PJ Guo, K Liu, ZY Lu, ZH Cheng, Y Chai, AL Pan, W Ji, "Two ultra-stable novel allotropes of Tellurium few-layers", Chinese Physics B 29, 097103 (2020).

78. J Qi, YX Gao, HH Jia, M Richter, L Huang, Y Cao, H Yang, Q Zheng, R Berger, JZ Liu, X Lin, HL Lu, ZH Cheng, M Ouyang, XL Feng, SX Du, HJ Gao, "Force-Activated Isomerization of a Single Molecule", Journal of The American Chemical Society 142, 10673 (2020).

77. YB Fu, H Yang, YX Gao, L Huang, R Berger, JZ Liu, HL Lu, ZH Cheng, SX Du, HJ Gao, XL Feng, "On-Surface Synthesis of NBN-Doped Zigzag-Edged Graphene Nanoribbons", Angewandte Chemie International Edition 132, 8958(2020).

76. B Tang, S Hussain, R Xu, ZH Cheng, JH Liao, Q Chen, "Novel Type of Synaptic Transitor Based on Ferroelectric Semiconductor Channel", ACS Materials and Interface 12, 24920 (2020).

75. SY Xing, L Lei, HY Dong, JF Guo, FY Cao, SZ Gu, S Hussain, F Pang, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Epitaxial Growth of Antimony films on HOPG and thermal desorption to control the film thickness", Chinese Physics B 29, 096801 (2020) Rapid Communication

74. ZY Zheng, R Xu, KQ Xu, SL Ye, F Pang, L Lei, S Hussain, XM Liu, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Real-Space Visualization of Intercalated Water Phases at the Hydrophobic Graphene Interface with Atomic Force Microscopy", Frontiers of Physics 15 (2), 23601 (2020) (封面cover

——————————— 2019 ———————————

73. QZ Zhang, HF Wen,Y Adachi, M Miyazaki, Y Sugawara, R Xu, ZH Cheng, YJ Li, "Electrical Engineering of the Oxygen Adatom and Vacancy on Rutile TiO2(110) by Atomci Force Microscopy", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 28852-28858 (2019).

72. QZ Zhang, HF Wen,Y Adachi, M Miyazaki, Y Sugawara, R Xu, ZH Cheng, YJ Li, "Characterization and Reversible Migration of Substrate Hydrogen on Rutile TiO2(110) by Atomic Force Microscopy", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 22595-22602 (2019).

71. N Li, YX Shang, R Xu, Q Jiang, JB Liu, L Wang, ZH Cheng, BQ Ding, "Precise Organization of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoclusters into Arbitrary Patterns on DNA Origami", Journal of The American Chemical Society 141, 17968-17972 (2019).

70. JD Zhou, XH Kong, MC Sekhar, JH Lin, FL Goualher, R Xu, XW Wang, Y Chen, Y Zhou, C Zhu, W Lu, FC Liu, BJ Tang, ZL Guo, C Zhu, ZH Cheng, T Yu, K Suenaga, D Sun, W Ji, Z Liu, "Epitaxial Synthesis of Monolayer PtSe2 Single Crystal on MoSe2 with Strong Interlayer Coupling", ACS Nano 13, 10929-10938 (2019).

69. WD Li, P Ma, FF Chen, R Xu, ZH Cheng, X Yin, Y Lin, LY Wang, "CoSe2/porous Carbon Shell Composites as High-Performance Catalysts Toward Tri-iodide Reduction in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 6, 2550 (2019).

68. L Li, P Ma, S Hussain, LJ Jia, D Lin, Xiong Yin, Y Lin, ZH Cheng, LY Wang, "FeS2/Carbon Hybrid on Carbon Cloth: a Highly Efficient and Stable Counter Electrode For Dye-Sensitive Solar Cells", Sustainable Energy & Fuels 3, 1749 (2019).

67. N Anhmad, XN Zhang, S Yang, DY Zhang, JQ Wang, S Zafar, YX Li, Y Zhang, S Hussain, ZH Cheng, A Kumaresan, HQ Zhou, "Polydopamine/ZnO Electron Transport Layers Enhance Charge Extraction in Inverted Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells", Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 10795-10801 (2019).

66. KQ Xu, YH Pan, SL Ye, L Lei, S Hussain, QM Wang, ZY Yang, XM Liu, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Shear Anisotropy-Driven Crystallographic Orientation Imaging in Flexible Hexagonal Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystals", Applied Physics Letters 115, 063101 (2019) (该文章被编辑推荐为特色文章,同时美国物理协会的Scilight也对该工作进行了专题采访并发表评论文章。Webpage: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5122952).

65. 刘心萌, 王昊, 王懿, 叶仕丽, 许瑞, 程志海, "铁铂纳米线的磁力显微术研究", 大学物理 38(6), 60 (2019)(本科生在本课题组完成的大创课题工作).

64. ZH Dai, GR Wang, ZY Zheng, YL Wang, S Zhang, XY Qi, PH Tan, LQ Liu, ZP Xu, QY Li, ZH Cheng, Zhong Zhang, "Mechanical Responses of Boron-doped Monolayer Graphene", Carbon 147, 355701 (2019).

63. S Hussain, KQ Xu, SL Ye, L Lei, XM Liu, R Xu, LM Xie, ZH Cheng, "Local Electrical Characterization of Two-Dimensional Materials with Functional Atomic Force Microsccopy (Review Article)", Frontiers of Physics 14 (3), 33401 (2019).

62. R Xu, XS Wang, ZY Zheng, SL Ye, KQ Xu,L Lei, S Hussain, F Pang, XM Liu, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, W Ji, LM Xie, ZH Cheng, "Interfacial Water Intercalation-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in NbS2/BN Heterostructure", Nanotechnology 29 (35), 594-601 (2019).

61. SL Ye, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, F Pang, XM Liu, ZY Zheng, W Ji, XH Shi, R Xu, LM Xie, ZH Cheng, "Nanoscratch on Single-layer MoS2 Crystal by Atomic Force Microscopy: Semi-circular to Periodical Zigzag Cracks", Materials Research Express 6, 025048 (2019).

——————————— 2018 ———————————

60. 程志海, "水分子团簇的弱侵扰原子力显微成像-亮点评述", 科学通报 63, 785 (2018).

59. QZ Zhang, YJ Li, HF Wen,Y Adachi, M Miyazaki, Y Sugawara, R Xu, ZH Cheng, J Brndiar,L Kantorovich, I Stich, "Measurement and manipulation of the charge state of an adsorbed oxygen adatom on the rutile TiO2(110)-1x1 surface by nc-AFM and KPFM", Journal of the American Chemical Society 140, 15668-15674 (2018).

58. Y Zhang, FF Gao, ZY Zheng, ZH Cheng, "An inverse problem in film/substrate indentation: extracting both the Young's modulus and thickness of films", Acta Mechanica Sinica 34 (6), 1061-1071 (2018).

57. C Wang, XY Zhou, JS Qiao, LW Zhou, XH Kong, YH Pan, ZH Cheng, Y Chai, W Ji, "Charge-governed phase manipulation of few-layer tellurium", Nanoscale 10, 22263 (2018).

56. Y Cao, J Qi, YF Zhang, L Huang, Q Zheng, X Lin, ZH Cheng, YY Zhang, XL Feng, SX Du, ST Pantelides, HJ Gao, "Tuning the morphology of chevron-type graphene nanoribbons by choice of annealing temperature", Nano Research 10 (28), 13548 (2018).

55. KQ Xu, SL Ye, L Lei, L Meng, S Hussain, ZY Zheng, HR Zeng, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Dynamic interfacial mechanical-thermal characteristics of atomically thin two-dimensional crystals", Nanoscale 10 (28), 13548 (2018).

54. R Xu, SL Ye, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, ZY Zheng, F Pang, SY Xing, XM Liu, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Nanoscale charge transfer and diffusion at the MoS2/SiO2 interface by atomic force microscopy: contact injection versus triboelectrification", Nanotechnology 29 (35), 355701 (2018).

53. YJ Li, HF Weng, QZ Zhang, Y Adachi, E Arima, Y Kinoshita, ZM Ma, LL Kou, Y Tsukuda, Y Naitoh, Y Sugawara, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Stable contrast mode on TiO2(110) surface with metal-coated tips using AFM", Ultramicroscopy 191 (3), 51-55 (2018).

52. XW Wang, R Wang, SN Wang, DD Zhang, XB Jiang, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, "Manipulation of electron transport in graphene by nanopatterned electrostatic potential on an electret", Applied Physics Letter 112 (3), 033102 (2018).

51. L Lei, R Xu, SL Ye, XS Wang, KQ Xu, S Hussain, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, LM Xie, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Local characterization of mobile charge carriers by two electrical AFM modes: multi-harmonic EFM versus sMIM", Journal of Physics Communications 2 (2), 025013 (2018).

50. Y Zhang, YP Zhao, ZH Cheng, "Determining the Layers' Young's Moduli and Thickness from the Indentation of a Bilayer Structure", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (6), 065305 (2018).

49. ZY Zheng, R Xu, SL Ye, S Hussain, W Ji, P Cheng, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, ZH Cheng, "High harmonic exploring on different materials in dynamic atomic force microscopy", SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 61 (3), 446-452 (2018).

——————————— 2017 ———————————

48. GR Wang, XL Li, YL Wang, ZY Zheng, ZH Dai, XY Qi, LQ Liu, ZH Cheng, ZP Xu, PH Tan, Z Zhang, "Interlayer Coupling Behaviors of Boron Doped Multilayer Graphene", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (46), 26034-26043 (2017).

47. HF Wen, YJ Li, E Arima, Y Naitoh, Y Sugawara, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Investigation of tunneling current and local contact potential difference on the TiO2(110) surface by AFM/KPFM at 78K", Nanotechnology 28, 105704 (2017).

46. CG Wang, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, W Ji, "Unusually high electron density in an intermolecular non-bonding region: Role of metal substrate", Chinese Chemical Letters 28, 759-764 (2017).

——————————— 2016 ———————————

45. 郑志月, 许瑞, 程志海, "高次谐振微悬臂的有限元设计与分析", 中国科学:技术科学 46(10), 1086-1096 (2016).

44. 郑志月, 许瑞, 程志海, "多频原子力探针显微技术", 中国科学:技术科学 46(5), 437-450 (2016).

43. 程志海, 郑志月, 裘晓辉, "原子力显微术研究进展", 物理 45(3), 180-187 (2016).

42. 程志海, 裘晓辉, 《振幅调制原子力显微术(译著)》, 科学出版社 (2016).

——————————— 2015 ———————————

41. 许瑞, 郑志月, 季威, 程志海, "新型扫描微波显微术", 物理学进展 35 (06), 241-256 (2015).

40. XW Wang, XB Jiang, T Wang, J Shi, MJ Liu, QB Zeng, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, "Electrically configurable graphene field-effect transistors with a graded-potential gate", Nano Letters 15 (5), 3212-3216 (2015).

——————————— 2014 ———————————

39. J Zhang, BK Yuan, PC Chen, ZH Cheng, W Ji, XH Qiu, "Exceptionally stiff two-dimensional molecular crystal by substrate-confinement", ACS Nano 8 (11), 11425-11431 (2014).

38. MX Liu, YC Li, PC Chen, JY Sun, DL Ma, QC Li, T Gao, YB Gao, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, Y Fang, YF Zhang, ZF Liu, "Quasi-freestanding monolayer heterostructure of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride on Ir(111) with a zigzag boundary", Nano Letters 14 (11), 6342-6347 (2014).

——————————— 2013 ———————————

37. BK Yuan, PC Chen, J Zhang, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, C Wang, "Orientation of molecular interface dipole on metal surface investigated by noncontact atomic force micorscopy", Chinese Science Bulletin 58 (30), 3630-3635 (2013).

36. R Wang, SN Wang, XW Wang, JAS Meyer, P Hedegard, BW Laursen, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, "Charge transfer and current fluctuations in single layer graphene transistors modified by self-assembled C60 adlayers", Small 9 (14), 2420-2426 (2013).

35. BK Yuan, PC Chen, J Zhang, K Deng, ZH Cheng, C Wang, "Topography multiplicity of Titanyl Phthalocyanine on ultrathin insulating films observed by STM", Chinese Physics Letters 30 (10), 106802 (2013).

34. YB Gao, YF Zhang, PC Chen, YC Li, MX Liu, T Gao, DL Ma, YB Chen, ZH Cheng, XH qiu, WH Duan, ZF Liu, "Toward single-layer uniform hexagonal boron nitride-graphene patchworks with zigzag linking edges", Nano Letters 13 (7), 3439-3443 (2013).

33. J Zhang, PC Chen, BK Yuan, W Ji, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, "Real-Space Identification of Intermolecular Bonding with Atomic Force Microscopy", Science 342 (6158), 611-614 (2013).

32. 裘晓辉, 程志海, 季威, "基于原子力显微技术的分子间相互作用的实空间观测研究", 中国科学基金 (06), 370-372 (2013).

31. 陈鹏程, 仉君, 袁秉凯, 程志海, 裘晓辉, "基于qPlus技术的扫描探针显微学研究进展", 科学通报, 58 (24), 2360-2366 (2013).

30. 袁秉凯, 陈鹏程, 仉君, 程志海, 裘晓辉, 王琛, "原子分辨显微分析技术研究进展", Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 29 (07), 1370-1384 (2013).

——————————— 2012 ———————————

29. DD Zhang, XW Wang, R Wang, SN Wang, ZH Cheng, XH Qiu, "Lateral resolution and signal to noise ratio in electrostatic force detection based on scanning probe microscopy", Chinese Physics Letters 29 (7), 070703 (2012).

28. YL Wang, ZH Cheng, ZT Deng, HM Guo, SX Du, HJ Gao, "Modifying the STM tip for the "ultimate" imaging of the Si(111)-7x7 surface and metal-supported molecules", Chimia 66 (1-2), 31-37 (2012).

—————— Earlier publications of Dr. Cheng ——————

27. MM Luo, WH Lu, DH Kim, E Chu, J Wyrick, C Holzke, S Daniel, KD Cohen, ZH Cheng, DZ Sun, YM Zhu, TL Einstein, L Bartels, "Coalescence of 3-phenyl-propynenitrile on Cu(111) into interlocking pinwheel chains", Journal of Chemical Physics 135 (13), 134705 (2011).

26. DH Kim, DZ Sun, G Pain, WH Lu, ZH Cheng, YM Zhu, D Le, TS Rahman, L Bartels, "Toward the growth of an aligned single-layer MoS2 film", Langmuir 27 (18), 11650-11653 (2011).

25. KL Wong, ZH Cheng, G Pawin, DZ Sun, KY Kwon, DH Kim, R Carp, M Marsella, L Bartels, "Steric blocking as a tool to control molecular film geometry at a metal surface", Langmuir 27 (14), 8735-8737 (2011).

24. J Wyrick, DH Kim, DZ Sun, ZH Cheng, WH Lu, YM Zhu, K Berland, K Kristian, S Yong, E Rotenberg, MM Luo, P Hyldgaard, TL Einstein, L Bartels, "Do two-dimensional "noble gas atoms" produce molecular honeycombs at a metal surface?", Nano Letters 11 (7), 2944-2948 (2011).

23. LZ Zhang, ZH Cheng, Q Huan, XB He, X Lin, L Gao, ZT Deng, N Jiang, Q Liu, SX Du, HM Guo, HJ Gao, "Site- and configuration-selective anchoring of Iron-Phthalocyanine on the step edges of Au(111) surface", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (21), 10791-10796 (2006).

22. ZH Cheng, SX Du, W Guo, L Gao, ZT Deng, N Jiang, HM Guo, H Tang, HJ Gao, "Direct imaging of molecular orbitals of metal phthalocyanines on metal surfaces with an O2-functionalized tip of a scanning tunneling microscope", Nano Research 4 (6), 523-530 (2006).

21. JT Sun, L Gao, XB He, ZH Cheng, ZT Deng, X Lin, H Hu, SX Du, F Liu, HJ Gao, "Surface reconstruction transition of metals induced by molecular adsorption", Physical Review B 83 (11), 115419 (2011).

20. ZH Cheng, SX Du, N Jiang, YY Zhang, W Guo, WA Hofer, HJ Gao, "High resolution scanning-tunneling-microscopy imaging of individual molecular orbitals by eliminating the effect of surface charge", Surface Science 605 (3-4), 415-418 (2011).

19. DZ Sun, DH Kim, D Le, O Borck, K Berland, K Kim, WH Lu, YM Zhu, MM Luo, J Wyrick, ZH Cheng, TL Einstein, TS Rahman, P Hyldgaard, L Bartels, "Effective elastic properties of a van der Waals molecular monolayer at a metal surface", Physical Review B 82 (20), 201410(R) (2010).

18. ZH Cheng, J Wyrick, MM Luo, DZ Sun, DH Kim, YM Zhu, WH Lu, K Kim, TL Einstein, L Bartels, "Adsorbates in a box: titration of substrate electronic states", Physical Review Letters 105 (6), 066104 (2010).

17. ZH Cheng, MM Luo, J Wyrick, DZ Sun, DH Kim, YM Zhu, WH Lu, K Kim, TL Einstein, L Bartels, "Power of confinement: adsorbate dynamics on nanometer-scale exposed facets", Nano Letters 10 (9), 3700-3703 (2010).

16. ZH Cheng, ES Chu, DZ Sun, DH Kim, YM Zhu, MM Luo, P Greg, KL Wong, KY Kwon, R Carp, M Marsella, L Bartels, "Tunability in polyatomic molecule diffusion through tunneling anf pacing", Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (39), 13578-13581 (2010).

15. JC Lian, ZH Cheng, YH Zhang, YY Zhang, LW Liu, W Ji, WD Xiao, SX Du, WA Hofer, HJ Gao, "Mapping antibonding electron states of a Pb adatom on a Pb(111)", Physics Review B 81 (19), 195411 (2010).

14. N Jiang, YY Zhang, Q Liu, ZH Cheng, ZT Deng, SX Du, HJ Gao, "Diffusivity control in Molecule-on-Metal systems using electric fields", Nano Letters 10 (4), 1184-1188 (2010).

13. ZT Deng, HM Guo, W Guo, L Gao, ZH Cheng, DX Shi, HJ Gao, "Structural properties of Tetra-tert-butyl Zinc(II) Phthalocyanine isomers on a Au(111) surface", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (26), 11223-11227 (2009).

12. L Gao, Q Liu, YY Zhang, N Jiang, HG Zhang, ZH Cheng, WF Qiu, SX Du, YQ Liu, WA Hofer, HJ Gao, "Constructing an Array of Anchored Single-Molecule Rotors on Gold Surfaces", Physical Review Letters 101 (19), 197209 (2008).

11. 高利, 季威, 胡亦斌, 程志海, 邓智滔, 刘奇, 江楠, 林晓, 郭伟, 杜世萱, 谢心澄, 高鸿钧, "吸附位置对近藤效应的影响", 物理 37 (07), 500-503 (2008).

10. L Gao, JT Sun, ZH Cheng, ZT Deng, X Lin, SX Du, HJ Gao, "Structural evolution at the initial growth stage of perylene on Au(111)", Surface Science 601 (15), 3179-3185 (2007).

9. L Gao, W Ji, YB Hu, ZH Cheng, ZT Deng, Q Liu, N Jiang, X Lin, W Guo, SX Du, WA Hofer, XC Xie, HJ Gao, "Site-specific Kondo effect at ambient temperatures in iron-based molecules", Physical Review Letters 99 (10), 106402 (2007).

8. ZH Cheng, L Gao, ZT Deng, Q Liu, N Jiang, X Lin, XB He, SX Du, HJ Gao, "Epitaxial growth of iron phthalocyanine at the initial stage on Au(111) surface", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (6), 2656-2660 (2007).

7. M Feng, L Gao, SX Du, ZT Deng, ZH Cheng, W Ji, DQ Zhang, XF Guo, X Lin, LF Chi, DB Zhu, H Fuchs, HJ Gao, "Observation of structural and conductance transition of rotaxane molecules at a submolecular scale", Advanced Functional Materials 17 (5), 770-776 (2007).

6. ZH Cheng, L Gao, ZT Deng, N Jiang, Q Liu, DX Shi, SX Du, HM Guo, HJ Gao, "Adsorption behavior of iron phthalocyanine on Au(111) surface at submonolayer coverage", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (26), 9240-9244 (2007).

5. 时东霞, 季威, 贺晓波, 高利, 程志海, 杜世萱, 庞世瑾, 高鸿钧, "通过不同烷基链取代调控喹吖啶酮分子在Ag(110)表面上的自组织结构", 物理 36 (01), 11-14 (2007).

4. X Lin, XB He, JL Lu, L Gao, Q Huan, ZT Deng, ZH Cheng, DX Shi, HJ Gao, "Manipulation and four-probe analysis of nanowires in UHV by application of four tunneling microscope tips: a new method for the investigation of electrical transport through nanowires", Surface and Interface Analysis 38 (6), 1096-1102 (2006).

3. 邓智滔, 高利, 林晓, 程志海, 贺晓波, 路军岭, 季威, 时东霞, 林海平, WA Hofer, 高鸿钧, "扫描隧道显微镜功能化针尖对分子能级的选择成像", 物理 35 (12), 996-999 (2006).

2. L Gao, ZT Deng, W Ji, X Lin, ZH Cheng, XB He, DX Shi, HJ Gao, "Understanding and controlling the weakly interacting interface in perylene/Ag(110)", Physical Review B 73 (7), 075424 (2006).

1. ZT Deng, H Lin, W Ji, L Gao, X Lin, ZH Cheng, XB He, JL Lu, DX Shi, WA Hofer, HJ Gao, "Selective analysis of molecular states by functionalized scanning tunneling microscopy tips", Physics Review Letters 96 (15), 156102 (2006).